Hormone therapy for transgender people

The process

1. Meet with your GP

to discuss getting on Hormone Therapy. You can also make an appointment with the clinical staff at the Community Clinic. Just like any doctors visit you are more than welcome to bring along a support person or two, to any of the appointments that you attend. 

2. See a clinical psychologist

Your GP or the Community Clinic will refer you. If you are over 16 this will be with Te Whare Oranga - Community Mental Health service. If you are under 16, see the box below. Discussions will take place around your mental health and you will be asked whether you would like some support to work through any mental health issues you have. This may require several appointments. 

3. Referral to a hormone doctor

If you do not need to work through any mental health issues, and the psychologist you are working with feels comfortable with how things are going for you, they will write a referral to the hormone doctor. You are more than welcome to request to have a look at the referral and make any recommended changes that you wish. 

4. See a Hormone Doctor

An appointment will then be arranged for you to meet with the hormone doctor at the Community Clinic. Once again you may bring along one or two support people if you wish. The Psychologist that you have been working with may also be able to attend. During this appointment, you can ask any questions you may have about:

  • the hormones that you will be taking
  • other medical interventions with your transition such as top surgery. 

5. Hormone Prescription

You will then be given a prescription for your hormones which should be taken to a pharmacy. Take it as soon as possible as not all pharmacies stock the hormones routinely. 

 6. Get hormones administered

Before you leave the Community Clinic to make sure that you book an appointment to get the hormones administered – this will be arranged with one of the nurses that work there, or you can request that the hormone doctor does the injection

Types of Hormones

The hormone that trans females will be administered is called Oestrogen. Trans females will also require testosterone-blocking medication.The hormone that trans males will be administered is called Testosterone.


The hormone doctor is only in Gisborne once a week so the time between your psychologist sending the referral letter to the Doctor and you getting an appointment at the Community Clinic may take up to a month or two.

Process for children under 16

If you are under 16 your GP or the Community Clinic will refer you to the Child & Adolescent Health Service (CAMHS). As with the adults, they will talk with you to understand whether you have any mental health issues.

If you do not have any mental health issues you will be referred to the paediatrician. The paediatrician may put you on hormone-blocking drugs to delay puberty until you are over 16 so that you have more time to make the decision.

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