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Tairawhiti iwi distribute iwi packs

Tairāwhiti iwi have banded together this week to pack and distribute thousands of hygiene and sanitation packs for older people and those with chronic health conditions.


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Mental health support still available

COVID-19 is changing daily lives and it’s important to look after everyone’s wellbeing, particularly those experiencing mental illness, says Dr Sue Mackersey from Hauora Tairāwhiti’s mental…

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Personal protective equipment

Hauora Tairāwhiti has adopted Ministry of Health guidelines to help keep community health workers safe during COVID-19.

Non-essential services should be stopped and staff should keep in…

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Having a baby in COVID times

Midwives are flexible and responsive health practitioners and as such are adapting to providing care at this challenging time, says Hauora Tairāwhiti Chief Executive Jim Green.


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