Woolie World Prematurity Day

The fantastic group of knitters that keep our smallest and sickest newborns warm and cosy have plenty to keep them going now thanks to a donation from the Gisborne Hospital Trust. The trust awarded the group $500 to buy wool so the knitters can provide babies that spend time in the Neonatal Unit knitted wool singlets and socks. The knitters gathered on World Prematurity Day Friday 17 November) to pick up the wool and receive a thank you afternoon tea for all their kind donations. 

The Beanie Project

They were joined by Kath Nicholas who has been coordinating The Beanie Project. A message put up in the HB Williams library has seen many knitted beanies donated to Tairāwhiti babies. 

Octopus for Premature Babies

Lactation Specialist Janet McGuinness has also been coordinating a project for Pre-term babies. It's called Octopus for Premature Babies. A crocheted octopus is given to premature babies to hold and cuddle while they are separated from their mothers.

Evidence has shown that the babies do better with the octopus and are less likely to pull out their tubes and because mum wears the octopus and then leaves it with their baby, they can smell her and are less distressed. Note the octopus are only used with preterm babies who have limited mobility. With larger babies, it is advised not to put anything in the cot.

Neonatal knitters

Kath Nicholas from the Baby Beanie project with other neonatal knitters Carol Proudfoot, Diane Easton, Dorothy Weatherley and Denice Jones.











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