Visiting restrictions lifted at Gisborne Hospital

Tairawhiti District Health has lifted visiting restrictions at Gisborne Hospital, now that an outbreak of gastroenteritis among patients has ceased.

Medical Officer of Health Dr Bruce Duncan confirmed this morning that no new cases had occurred in the hospital since Saturday. 

Last week, with 11 patients experiencing symptoms of vomiting and diarrhoea, clinical staff at Gisborne Hospital donned masks and gowns as a precaution against the suspected highly contagious Norovirus.

Dr Duncan said one patient remained in insolation this morning. “We are still waiting further laboratory test results to confirm the cause, but we now consider that Sapovirus is the likely organism,” he said.

“The infection control team met this morning and agreed restrictions to visitors should be lifted and that we return to business as usual.”

Dr Duncan reminded Tairawhiti residents that the most effective way to control the spread of infectious viruses was excellent hand hygiene. 



For more information:

Kathy McVey, Communications Manager

(06) 869-0500 or  021 223-7094

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