Telephone and video appointments option to continue

David Williams with Speech-Language Therapist Biddy Robb.

David Williams was one of the people who have responded enthusiastically to zoom consultations with Speech-Language Therapist Biddy Robb.

The telephone and video consults used by Hauora Tairāwhiti doctors and public during lockdown are set to continue as an option in the future.

Known as telehealth or telemedicine, telephone and video appointments were used by staff and their patients during the COVID-19 pandemic which posed unique challenges for health care.

Staff making use of modern technology these past two months included hospital specialists, physiotherapists, clinical nurse specialists, visiting specialists, speech language therapists and district nurses.

It was used where it was deemed safe and appropriate, and only if it worked for the patient and the staff member, says Dr Saralyn MacKenzie, a physician and clinical lead for Hauora Tairāwhiti’s Information Services Group.

“Most used telephone consultations as opposed to video for selected patients during the pandemic and it worked well for people requiring regular review and no examination.”

Dr MacKenzie says the pandemic occurred at a time when Hauora Tairāwhiti was already looking at the possibility of offering telehealth options to patients.

“Patients probably don’t realise it but many of us are already benefitting from advances in telehealth such as receiving appointment reminders via text.”

Some people may already be using telehealth tools to book appointments, request repeat prescriptions and view lab results online via apps offered by their general practice.  

“Telephone and video appointments are an extension to that, and the pandemic certainly indicated there is a place for them,” says Dr MacKenzie.

Dr MacKenzie emphasised that telephone and video consultations are a tool meant to complement existing health care methods, and not replace them.

Telephone and video appointments may not be appropriate for new patients depending on the condition being addressed, or for patients with an urgent medical issue, she says.

“For straightforward concerns such as medical refills, questions around contraception, and some check-ups, it offers an alternative to coming in.”

Hauora Tairāwhiti chief executive Jim Green says in time and only where appropriate, telephone or video consultations may be offered to people who live a long way from the hospital or who have difficulty travelling.

“COVID-19 has created a paradigm shift, where a lot of people see this as a safe and okay way to receive some of their health care.”

Hauora Tairāwhiti speech language therapist Biddy Robb used video consultations with some of her patients during Alert Level 4 and 3.

Despite the challenges that can be faced by her patients such as communications disorders as a result of a stroke, the online appointments were successful and meaningful.

“I need to see a patient’s whole face when I work with them and so I preferred to do an appointment by Zoom than by telephone during the lockdown.”

“One patient told me it was great for him as he was living in a small bubble, and the interaction with someone new that day was a welcome change.”

Ms Robb admits she needed help from a younger staff member to get set up on the video conferencing platform but now she has mastered the app she looks forward to using it again where appropriate.

Dr MacKenzie says Zoom is the preferred video consultation platform used by Hauora Tairāwhiti. Teams and services are now receiving instructions and being trained in protocols on how to use it appropriately.

Work is also being done behind the scenes so that the referrals and virtual paperwork that normally accompany face-to-face appointments reflect that telehealth is an option for a patient or was used during the consult.

Mr Green says it’s unclear how many patients might want to use telephone and video consultations in the future but “we want to provide options for the patient they feel comfortable with. This is just another tool in the toolbox.”

“The sudden increase to more phone and video appointments these past two months has given us a chance to see what is involved with setting up appointments like this for the future.”

A guide for patients on how to use zoom for video consultations.

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