Tairawhiti District Health continues progress against health targets

MEDIA RELEASE – 27 November 2013

Tairawhiti District Health (TDH) continues to improve performance against the government’s health target results.

Ministry of Health results for quarter one show the DHB met four of the six health targets, and chief executive Jim Green says he is confident the other two targets will be achieved by the end of the financial year.

Gisborne Hospital met the emergency department target, with ninety-six percent of patients in the past three months admitted, discharged or transferred from Gisborne Hospital’s emergency department within six hours.

The hospital also met the smoking target, with 95 percent of patients who smoke being offered brief advice and support to quit. Mr Green said the rate of smoking advice given to those coming to Gisborne Hospital was now excellent.

“It’s very encouraging that we are now maintaining the achievement of this target. Reducing the rate of smoking is the quickest way for us to improve the overall wellbeing of everyone in Tairawhiti.”

“The Better help for smokers to quit and the Heart & diabetes checks primary care targets require more work with our community colleagues,” said Mr Green. “We will continue to work together to ensure a lift in performance for both these areas.”

Tairawhiti achieved 87 percent in the increased immunisation target. “We are tantalisingly close to this target now,” said Mr Green. He said he was confident the 90 percent target would be reached within the next quarter.

However, TDH are behind in terms of elective surgeries performed in quarter one.  “But the number of surgeries to be made up is manageable and we expect to reach the target rate in the new year”, said Mr Green.


Health target table

Health target FAQs




For more information


Kathy McVey

Tairawhiti District Health

06 869-0500

021 223-7094

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