Submissions and feedback on East Coast health services review - now available to the public

Feedback from community consultation hui on the recent review of East Coast health services was considered by the Boards of Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou, Ngati Porou Hauora and Tairawhiti District Health on 5 November 2013.

The boards have now charged the chief executives of the organisations to provide a feasibility study that takes into account the factors raised in the review report and the community consultation.

It is likely this work will take some months to complete and the boards have agreed to meet regularly to support and monitor progress. An update to the community will be provided in December.

The board members have made no decisions at this stage and are clear they require more information before taking any recommendations out to the community.

At their 5 November meeting, the three boards decided that to progress the review further they needed more detailed information on the options for the way services should be provided from a facility on the Coast, most likely to be in Te Puia.  

Board members also expressed their appreciation to the respective hapu, whanau, communities of the East Coast for their contribution to the East Coast Health Review community consultation process. They also recognised the submissions made by a variety of groups.

Summaries detailing feedback from Community Consultation Hui and community submissions received are now available:

Summary of Themes - from Community Consultation hui

Summary of Themes - from Submissions

Further feedback on these summaries should be sent to:

Virginia Brind - email, or phone 06 869-2095

Or mail to: Virginia Brind at Tairawhiti DHB, Private Bag 7001, Gisborne.

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