Proposal to sell surplus properties at Te Karaka and Matawai


Following the move of its Western Rural services to Turanga Health in 2010, Tairawhiti District Health (TDH) has been working towards the sale of a number of properties identified as no longer required for TDH. The planned sale of these properties does not in any way impact on the services currently provided either by TDH or any of its partner health care providers, such as Turanga Health, who remain committed to providing primary health services to the Western Rural population.

 The properties proposed to be sold are:

 1.         ‘The Doctor’s Residence’ 9 Rangatira Road, Te Karaka, Gisborne.  Computer Freehold Register GS5D/883, Part Lot 25 Deposited Plan 1287.

 2.         ‘Te Karaka Medical Centre’ 74 Station Road, Te Karaka, Gisborne.  Computer Freehold Register GS5C/869, Lot 1 Deposited Plan 8199.

 3.         ‘Matawai Clinic and Dwelling’ 6534 Matawai Road, Matawai, Gisborne.  Computer Freehold Register GS4B/656, Section 17 Block X Moto Survey District (SO 5796).

Public notices will be placed shortly in the Gisborne Herald and the Dominion Post calling for submissions from the community on this proposal. Members of the public or community organisations that have an interest in, or any concern about the proposal to sell any or all of these properties, are encouraged to respond.

After this consultation period, and if it is agreed that the sale can proceed, the properties will be referred through the Crown Maori Protection Mechanism either by TDH or, in the case of Matawai, DoC to determine the appropriate method of sale.


For more information please contact: Louisa Chapman, Temporary Communications Manager, Tairawhiti District Health, 06 869-0500, 021 223-7094.

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