Pharmacy another option for flu vaccination

Offering flu vaccinations in two local pharmacies as well as at GP practices is being piloted this winter. Hauora Tairāwhiti is funding the pilot after the initiative was trialed successfully in the Waikato last year. The goal is to increase the number of people 65 years or over who receive the vaccination, says Hauora Tairāwhiti Chief Executive Jim Green.

Bramwells Pharmacy and Pharmacy 53 both have authorised vaccinators on staff who can give the vaccination. “Whether you go to your GP or to one of the participating pharmacies the flu vaccination is free for people aged 65 years or over”, added Mr Green.

“At your GP it is also free for people who are most at risk including adults and children with long-term conditions and pregnant women.”

“Anyone else who wants to get protection from influenza can be immunised at their local medical centre; there will be a small charge but it will be worth it if someone is depending on you staying well over winter/spring, or if you can’t afford to get ill and be away from work. “


Dr Inte Malik is pictured receiving his vaccination from EIT nursing student Ken

Dr Inte Malik is pictured receiving his vaccination from EIT nursing student Kenzie Holmes.

Dr Inte Malik was one of the first in line when Hauora Tairāwhiti staff received their flu vaccination recently. He commented "Vaccination against influenza is very important. I get vaccinated to keep healthy and to demonstrate my commitment to protecting the people in my care.”

“Influenza is a serious illness that can kill. It is much more serious than a cold, and the symptoms are much more severe. Symptoms of influenza include a cough, headache, fever or chills, body aches and pains, fatigue, and generally feeling really crook for about 10 days. As if that wasn’t bad enough, influenza can be severe enough to require hospital treatment, particularly in the very young, elderly, and in people who already have health problems.”

Dr Malik added “If you or your daughter, father, mother, grandparents, friends or work colleagues are in one of these groups, make sure they get the flu vaccination this year. Even someone who is fit and healthy can become ill with influenza, and risks passing it to family/whanau and friends who may have serious complications.”

You can find more about eligibility for free immunisation and what long-term health conditions are on the fight flu website.

If you are eligible, FREE flu vaccinations are available from your GP, medical centre or selected pharmacies.


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