Paid Family Care notice and Tairawhiti DHB policy


From 21 May 2014, Tairawhiti DHB is implementing a policy that clarifies the exceptional circumstances under which we will permit payment of family members residing at the same address as a DHB-funded client for provision of long-term home based support services.

Prior to this date, family members living at the same address have been excluded from being paid to deliver allocated services.

This policy does not change existing eligibility and access criteria for DHB-funded long-term home based support services.

The policy aims to satisfy part 4A of the New Zealand Public Health and Disability Act 2000 amendment (2013); you can read the background documents on the Ministry of Health website at

For further information and /or enquiries contact TDH Needs Assessment Service Coordination (NASC) 06 8692090 or Planning and Funding 06 869 2095.



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