No smokes sold here

Wainui Store goes tobacco free

Those working towards a Smokefree Tairāwhiti in 2025 got a boost recently when they learned that the Wainui Store had decided not to sell any tobacco products.

Israel Woods has been running Wainui Store for the last six months and says that it was an easy decision not to sell tobacco. “Smoking and cigarettes don't fit in with the homecooked food and organic feel people associate with the Wainui Store. Tobacco theft is an issue for businesses like ours. To not have any tobacco products on site makes it a safer place to work.”

We would like other retailers in Tairāwhiti to follow the example of the Wainui Store, says Tairāwhiti Smokefree Coalition ‘Taki Tahi Toa Mano’ facilitator Aporina Chapman. “Stores are key partners in achieving the goal of a SmokeFree Tairāwhiti (and New Zealand) in 2025.”

Taki Tahi Toa Mano

Taki Tahi Toa Mano is a coalition of organisations who have a part to play in achieving the smokefree goal. The Heart Foundation, Cancer Society, Public Health Organisations, Iwi providers, Maōri Women’s Welfare League and Hauora Tairāwhiti are all represented on the group.

The group meet monthly and collectively they have been involved in smokefree promotion in schools at marae and at community events. They assist with the development of the Tairāwhiti Tobacco Control Plans A major piece of their work is to continue to advocate for a Smokefree CBD. They have also coordinated World Smokefree Day Activities including a memorable street march with a coffin in tow.

With all the work that is going on it was so disappointing to see that some tobacco retailers in Gisborne are not complying with the law regarding sales of tobacco to young people, says Aporina.

Eight shops sold smokes to teenagers

A controlled purchase operation was carried out in Gisborne during December 2016 and January 2017. Volunteer teenagers under the supervision of a Smokefree Officer from Hauora Tairāwhiti visited twenty-two Gisborne retail outlets. Eight retailers sold cigarettes to teenagers.

Retailers selling to a minor shouldn’t happen,” said Dr Margot McLean, Hauora Tairāwhiti Medical Officer of Health. “Tairāwhiti has one of the highest youth smoking rates in the country. Although our rates are declining, nine percent of our year 10 youth are smoking regularly according to the Ash Year 10 survey. With responsible retailers, we can make it harder for our young people to buy cigarettes.”

Once and For all

To achieve a Smokefree 2025 we need to have effective support to help people to quit. Once and For All is the new smoking cessation service available through Pinnacle Midlands Health Network and free to Tairāwhiti people. It combines and an easy-to-use online referral form, face-to-face individual or group coaching by qualified quit coaches, help with nicotine cravings (patches, gum or lozenges) and a financial reward ($50) when a person is smokefree for four weeks.

The cessation help is provided quit coaches at Turanga Health, Hauiti Hauora, Te Ako Ora, City Medical and The Doctors Te Whare Hapara. Three more providers will be confirmed soon. Quit coaches have all completed or will complete, a national qualification.

How to support

Tairāwhiti health professionals should ask everyone they see clinically ‘Do you smoke?’

If they do, people should be informed of how smoking affects their particular medical condition and advised to quit. A referral is to be made to the Once and For All programme or people can or phone the Quitline on 0800 778 778.

Makere Kaa, Dr Margot McLean, Jo Pere and Israel Woods

Makere Kaa representing Māori Women's Welfare League, Medical Officer of Health Dr Margot McLean from Hauora Tairāwhiti, Jo Pere from the Cancer Society congratulate Israel Woods from the Wainui Store.





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