Keep yourself safe at Rhythm & Vines

Keep yourself and your valuables safe – that’s the message from police to those attending Gisborne’s two big summer events this weekend.

Gisborne is set for an influx of 17,000 people for the Rhythm and Vines music festival that starts today on the outskirts of the city.  There are already 10,000 out-of-towners camping at the BW Festival, which is being held in Gisborne city.

Police say there have been a number of thefts over the last few days from vehicles parked in the designated BW Festival campgrounds and carparks.  There have also been thefts from vehicles parked in beach carparks near the festival site.

There have been several arrests in relation to the thefts, but police are warning festival-goers at both BW and Rhythm and Vines to be aware of security for their valuables and their own personal safety.

“Try not to leave anything in your car, especially anything of value,” Senior Sergeant Maui Aben said. 

“Large numbers of visitors to any city will attract criminals, so we want everyone to be especially vigilant with their belongings and to remember to keep cars locked securely.  If you bring anything of value to the festivals, keep it with you,” Mr Aben said.

Festival-goers should also think carefully about personal safety.  There will be a lot of pedestrian movement around the city and special care should be taken at night.

“Make sure you are walking in a group, especially if you are female.  Walk in well-lit areas and avoid places that have no lighting.  We don’t want visitors to this city becoming victims of crime, which could easily happen if care is not taken,” Mr Aben said.

Anyone who had been drinking alcohol was more likely to become a victim of crime, as they were less alert and less aware of their surroundings.


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