Funding to increase after review

Hauora Tairāwhiti will receive extra funding from the government in the next financial year. This ocurs each year however in 2016/17 the increase is larger because the goverment has allocated a larger increase overall for health, says Chief Executive Jim Green.

“Our funding has also increased after a review of the funding formula. The review found our DHB to be under-funded for the population we serve.”

“We have been saying for some time that we are underfunded. Every year we face additional costs serving the most health compromised population in the country. Those calls have been listened to and we will receive extra dollars based on the funding review.”

The additional funding for Hauora Tairāwhiti in this budget is brilliant and the best increase I have seen during the last six years said Board Chair David Scott. "The Minister of Health Hon Dr Jonathan Coleman and our local MP Hon Anne Tolley are to be commended for their efforts in recognising the fiscal requirements of our statistically proven unhealthy population. This boost will allow the Board to continue to drive the new approaches that we believe will turn the statistics around."

“We have already invested in extra health services and extra elective surgery over the past years and the increase in funding for next year is a welcome catch-up for that, Mr Green added. “. The Hauora Tairāwhiti Board have always supported ensuring people get the care they require. As an organisation we seek ways to further improve the care avaiable in our district for long term health gains, while never losing sight of where we can control costs or save money.”

“Examples of investments already made by Hauora Tairāwhiti include the record number of people in our district who have had elective surgical operations including hip, knee and eye surgery this year. Our programme, with Primary Health Organisations, of additional health services for the most vulnerable children in our district, and their families, is one we are committed to continuing and growing. We have funded a range of services to enable GPs and primary care to offer more care to people closer to their homes. This is another area we have planned to support and grow further.

“ However the extra services, extra surgery, increasing number of acutely unwell patients we have treated, increased need for hospital level care in the community for our older people and greater use of pharmaceuticals has driven us into a deficit position. We are likely to finish the financial year with a loss currently estimated at over $3million. The extra government funding for next year means we can carry on doing more for our community.

“There is a plan to get Hauora Tairāwhiti’s deficit under control. This includes looking at our procurement processes, reducing our stock holdings, efficiencies in the way our services operate and leveraging off national purchasing arrangements. All of these plus the additional funding will enable us to manage the additonal costs, and return to surplus.


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