Doing better for Tairawhiti children

Many of us know, or have worked with, a child that is just not getting that start in life that they deserve, says Hauora Tairawhiti Chief Executive Jim Green. "They may not have a stable home life, they may not get to school often and jail may be part of their parents story. Too often we see that child when health issues arise. However the health issues are not easily solved when they are exacerbated by a multitude of social factors."  

"In Tairāwhiti that is the story for an estimated 430 children who are vulnerable and have multiple unmet needs. This is not good enough. All children deserve to be to be raised in a safe, loving environment so they can thrive.This is something we all want for all our children. However for too many this is not happening and now is the time to do something about it. The problems affecting these children are complex and one agency can't work alone to fix them with the  child and family."

That is where Te Pā Harakeke - Tairāwhiti Children's Team comes in. The team was launched by the Minister Anne Tolley by the riverbank on Friday. 

Led by Children's Team Director Naomi Whitewood, a team of lead professionals from iwi, government and community organisations will identify those vulnerable children, and support them to improve their lives before their situation gets worse.  

"Already a selection of Hauora Tairāwhiti staff have completed the Children's Team training. They will have a role as part of a Child's Action Network for each identified child along with with staff from across the sectors. 
Just imagine the benefits for this district, for our communities and for our families when we create the change needed for 430 of our most vulnerable children. This is not a dream - together we can make it a reality."

A video of the launch was produced by Turanga FM Media

Jim Green at Children's Team launch

Jim Green at the Tairawhiti Children's Team launch


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