The rollout of the COVID-19 vaccination programme is on track in Tairāwhiti, says Operations Manager Sandi French.
Border workers and the people they live with have received their first dose of the vaccine. They will start getting their second dose next week – from 15 March. “We have given 269 vaccines to date in Tairāwhiti, this includes the public health nurses who are giving the vaccinations. Border workers continue to join the programme which is great to see”
The vaccination plan will be rolled out in stages. It will focus first on those most at risk from being exposed to COVID-19 in their workplace. This is so we can reduce the risks of future community cases and lockdowns. The focus will then shift to protecting those most at risk of getting seriously ill if they get the virus.
“We expect to finish giving Tairāwhiti border workers and the people they live with who have consented to having the vaccine their second dose of the vaccine by early April.”
“The second group are frontline health care workers who we expect to start vaccinating after Easter. The second group includes approximately 800 Hauora Tairāwhiti staff and people working for St John, lead maternity care midwives, general practice, pharmacy and frontline people in non-government organisations.”
“We will be working hard to complete the vaccination of this group by the end of May.”
Vaccination of vulnerable people, those most at risk of getting seriously sick from COVID-19, starts in May, followed by the rest of the population from the second half of 2021.
We are working towards vaccinating 100% of our eligible people before the end of the year, says Hauora Tairāwhiti Chief Executive Jim Green. “That’s an estimated 38,000 eligible people in Te Tairāwhiti. It’s a big job. The government announcement that everyone will be getting the very effective Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine makes planning that much easier.”
“More vaccinators are required. Those that are already an authorised vaccinator must complete a COVID-19 module before they can start. We will be training more people and working with other health providers to ensure that everyone over 16 in Tairāwhiti has the opportunity to get vaccinated this year. “
“I am asking everyone to get vaccinated - it is the best way to protect your whānau; their lives and their livelihoods.
For trustworthy information about the rollout of COVID-19 Vaccinations: Unite Against COVID-19.
For independent, factual information about COVID-19 Vaccinations based on international and New Zealand scientific research: The Immunisation Advisory Centre (IMAC)