Coats for the Homeless

Up to twenty Gisborne people who are sleeping rough will benefit from coats that have been specially designed to meet the needs of the homeless. An Australian charity ‘Order of Malta’ has been organising Coats for the Homeless for the last couple of years. The Catholic Mission in Auckland, through St Vincent de Paul here in Gisborne, offered the coats for the homeless in Gisborne. Mainfreight delivered them to Gisborne free of charge.

“We have also been working with Sister Meg of the Catholic Church in Gisborne and with Addiction Services, Te Whare o te Rito (Child and Adolescent Mental Health), Te Whare Awhiora (Acute Mental Health Services) and Kapai Kaiti to distribute the coats to the people with the most need” says Guy Baker of Te Kupenga Net Trust.

“Gisborne has many people living on the streets or sleeping rough. Numbers always increase in the summer. Keeping warm and comfortable are two of the biggest concerns for these people. It can be a constant battle. These black three–quarters length coats are quilted and warm; shower proof; comfortable and portable. The gift of a coat will keep people warm and dry. It also shows that people are thinking of them and the challenges they face.”

Coats for the homeless

Pictured with one of the coats from left: Daniel James (Addiction Services), Guy Baker (Te Kupenga Net Trust), Mere Wawatai (Te Whare o te Rito), Molly Para (Te Whare Awhiora).


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