City Medical reaches gold standard

A Gisborne general practice has struck gold on its network quality goals.

City Medical Gisborne scored 100% in the most recent annual quality results, and has been awarded the coveted Pinnacle Gold plaque.

Pinnacle is the GP network covering the majority of practices across the Waikato, Gisborne, Taranaki and Taupo. Member practices have standards in place to ensure patients receive care that is fair, safe, efficient and effective.

The quality programme, which is administered by Midlands Health Network, supports practices to meet targets in priority health areas.

MHN Chief Executive, John Macaskill-Smith says the level of achievement across the network has been growing year on year, with the average achievement across the Midlands region standing at 91.5%.

“We take quality of care very seriously. Each year we set a number of goals for practices to achieve, which means patients and their families get the health checks and support they are entitled to,” says John.

“The real effect of these results mean more children are receiving their immunisations on time, more at-risk people are receiving the flu vaccine, more women are getting regular cervical smear tests, more smokers are getting advice on how to quit and we’re offering earlier advice and treatment to patients at risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

“This improvement in results year on year is a show of commitment by the practices to ensure patients receive the very best health care. As a network we’re working hard to ensure all our practices have the knowledge and tools to go for gold next year.”

Practices are now working towards this year’s quality goals, which continue to focus on national issues such as immunisation and smoking cessation, as well the early intervention and active management of long term conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

The programme has also introduced a new focus on sore throat management to reduce levels of rheumatic fever, patient safety and record management, as well as long term practice planning to ensure the sustainability of general practice throughout the region.

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