Accommodation available at Waikato Hospital until November

The closure of overnight accommodation currently available at Waiora Waikato hospital campus, Hilda Ross House, has been delayed until 27 November 2015.

Earlier it was announced that Hilda Ross House would close in September after it was discovered that the building housing Hilda Ross House was rated earthquake prone and a decision was made to demolish it. However, investigations into alternative accommodation options have taken longer than anticipated.

People living in Gisborne and the East Coast who need to go to Waikato Hospital have often stayed at Hilda Ross House which has been a convenient option, says Hauora Tairāwhiti Chief Executive Jim Green.

“We have been working with Waikato and the other DHBs in the Midland region to organise alternative accommodation. An alternative option will continue to give people receiving health services from Waikato Hospital convenient access to accommodation.”

“Patients need not worry. Our transport office has always organised travel and accommodation for Tairāwhiti people that need to travel out of the district for health care and who meet the National Travel Assistance criteria for support. Nothing has changed and we will continue to do this.”

“We understand that when someone needs to travel to receive treatment or have an investigative procedure it can be very stressful. That is why we have a transport office. We want to make sure this process is as straightforward as possible for the patient and the travelling support person - where the criteria for support is met”

On average Hauora Tairāwhiti sends twenty patients each week to Waikato for treatment.




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