A day in the life of a Health Care Assistant


Nicki Dever and Kim Purei

Nicki Dever and Kim Purei

To get a better understanding of the roles of everyone in her teams, Clinical Care Manager for Women, Child and Youth Nicki Dever spent a morning working as a Health Care Assistant (HCA) in the Maternity Unit with Kim Purei.

Kim did a great job showing me the ropes and guiding me through the tasks, says Nicki. "I now appreciate the role more. The experience means I will be a better help in situations that call for ‘all hands on deck’ in the hospital."

"I admire the fact that the HCA’s are thinking one step ahead to support midwives and women/babies’ needs."

Kim enjoys her job. "Working as an HCA in maternity I have found that teamwork is essential to provide an efficient service to our women and babies.

"Everyone is valued for their input and staff members assist where ever there is a need. Maternity’s workload can change extremely fast. You need to be forward thinking, use your initiative and have everything prepared. It is essential that Maternity staff have everything they need easily accessible.

I thoroughly enjoy working in this team environment where you feel valued and respected.



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