15 hospitalised with diarrhoea and vomiting after R&V

Security at entrance to Gisborne Hospital

Security has been screening people who come to the Emergency Department at Gisborne Hospital for vomiting and diarrhoea.

Fifteen people who were at the Rhythm and Vines music festival were admitted to Gisborne Hospital with severe vomiting and diarrhoea.

Festival-goers who were sick or injured were treated by St Johns from a large tent set up on site. However, the number of people presenting with vomiting and diarrhoea meant people need to be isolated to avoid contamination says Medical Officer of Health Dr Bruce Duncan.

“Fifteen young people were transported to Gisborne Hospital where an isolation ward was set up. "With thousands of people in close proximity, it was a priority to do all we can to prevent a mass outbreak," says Dr Duncan. 

All the 15 people who were admitted to Gisborne Hospital have now been discharged with only one remaining overnight. The cause of their severe vomiting and diarrhoea has not been determined."

Inspector Sam Aberahama, Police Area Commander Tairāwhiti says “The comments made by me earlier today regarding the young people hospitalised at R & V were inaccurate. I misinterpreted information and I apologise for the error.”

Anyone who with vomiting and diarrhoea should contact Healthline 0800 0800 611 116 in the first instance for advice. A qualified nurse is at the end of the phone 24/7.

If anyone is sick. It is important to drink plenty of water. Please make sure you wash hands with soap and water and thoroughly dry them before handling or eating food, and after going to the toilet.

Symptoms usually last 1-3 days.


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