Breastfeeding support

Breastfeeding is the natural way of providing your baby with the nutrients they need for optimal growth and development.

The Ministry of Health recommends exclusive breastfeeding until baby is around six months old.  Following this, breastfeeding is still recommended alongside the appropriate complementary foods until they are at least one year old.

Read more about the benefits of breastfeeding here.

Puawai Aroha Maternity unit is proud to be part of the international Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative. This means that breastfeeding is encouraged and core midwives will advise and support you. However, should you choose not to breastfeed you will be equally supported.

Please click here to download your FREE Breastfeeding App.

Here are some other local suppot groups/services in our community: 


Other local support groups/services in our district:

Gisborne/Wairoa Plunket  

“Together, the best start for every child. Mā te mahi ngātahi e pūawai ai ā tātou tamariki.”

Plunket Office – ph 06 8677711

PEPE Enrolments – ph or text 021 917 069

PlunketLine is 24/7 and free to call on 0800 933 922.


Turanga health – Tamariki Ora   

Breastfeeding Support: (06) 869 0457

Turanga Health's Tamariki Ora programme provides the following:

Antenatal wānanga, Breastfeeding help, support and education, Well Child Checks for your pēpi/ Tamariki from 4—6 weeks old to 4 years of age, Pēpi Pods, Car Seat Scheme, Referrals to other services/ organisations.

 Breastfeeding Support:  (06) 864 6803

Tamaiti kai wai u tenei ra, ka ora te tamaiti apopo!


Meet some of our Breastfeeding Support champions


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